Friday, September 10, 2010

Shabbat Shalom ( aka a tribute to the big guy... Mike)

In honor of the Jewish new year, I am delighting you reader with a little treat. Over the course of the summer I received a Shabbat-o-gram in my mail box every Friday afternoon. These were from our Masada Unit Head Micheal (Big Mike). These little gems were so appreciated, that I saved them to share with the world, Enjoy!

First Week

Thank you for welcoming me to the Camp Livingston Family! I've had so much fun getting to know everyone and cannot wait to see how amazing this summer will be!
Shabbat Shalom,

Week Two
The start of the session has gone great
Lets continue to keep eating from a plate
Thank you for all of your hard work
I also have enjoyed some of your quirks
Lets continue to be a great team
And give our campers the summers of their dreams
Shabbat Shalom,

I have lost some of the poems, although I swear I saved them all, but I am not really sure of the order until the finale...

The summer is going by really fast
Make sure you take time to rest
It's been hot outside
Take your time and be a guide
Remember to try new things
and discover new mings
Remember to give it your all this week
and try not to be very very weak
Shabbat Shalom,

The summer is beginning to come to a close
Please be sure to take home all your clothes
Please continue to give your campers a great experience
and do not stop running interference
I've loved working with all of you this summer
You do not want to end this summer on a bummer
I hope you have have a very enjoyable Shabbat
Let's not forget the lessons of cabbat
Shabbat Shalom,

I am so sad
I am going to become mad
The summer is coming to a close
Please don't leave any clothes
Why do our campers need to leave soon
Why are we going to be left with all this room
Thanks for all of the great work you have done
I have had so much fun
I hope I will see you all next year
I am going to shed a tear
Keep in touch as you go on your separate paths
Be sure to take lots of baths
Please call me and talk about your life
Don't leave and cut yourself with a knife
You have changed my life for the better
Please please please send me a letter
It's not goodbye, it's just lehitraot
Don't forget the song for hadaoat
Shabbat Shalom,

Shabbat Shalom Everyone!


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