Thursday, September 2, 2010

The reality is setting in

I arrived in Chicago after 19 hours flight time, and 23 hours total travel time. It was so strange to jump back into American convenience and organization. It was about 8:00pm by the time I got through customs and then we had the two hour drive home (and the one hour time difference) getting us to Lafayette at about 11:00pm. I had visions of a luxurious bath, but instead plopped my dirty self down into bed and slept.
(The inevitable scrubbing did come the next morning).
It is so strange to go from this summer, or this last year I guess, of constant occupation, to having NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING to do. You would think that at least with this lull, would come a sense of relaxation, what with having no obligations and all, but there is this annoying little voice in the back of my head that says, "Enjoy it while it lasts, because soon you will be working at Walmart to pay off your student loans." I laugh at this now, but I am sure in a couple of months I will be begging to restock shelves. Oddly enough, I don't feel a sense of doom with the uncertainty of the next year, either everything is going to work itself out, or my brain is protecting me from the crippling anxiety that if I felt in it's entirety, would make my heart explode.
But there are still clothes to unpack, dogs to be walked and logistics of moving out of state for the first time in 18 years to be dealt with, not to mention the Lord of the Rings Marathon that I am planning for later today.... so I suppose I will be kept busy for the next few hours at least.


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