Monday, May 17, 2010

Only a few weeks out from graduation, and my writing skills are already suffering, as evidenced by this blog.... And my text messages. I pride myself for not using "Text Talk" and still minding my grammar even if it takes five minutes to compose a two second text, but today I used "your" when I should have used "you're" and didn't realize it until it had been sent, and recorded by the NSA for all eternity.
So this will be a text post, not that I have any new pictures anyway, It went from a week of events, to hanging out on the couch eating peanut butter from the jar wondering, "What am I supposed to do with the rest of my adult life?" pretty quick.
Seth and I are in limbo right now, waiting for the United States Postal Service to release our Computer to us. It was supposed to get here today, but as the delivery gods would have it, it is not showing up until tomorrow, or the next day. No Bloomington today, which wouldn't be so bad, except we don't have any food in the house, and we aren't going to buy any, because we will be moving to Bloomington for the summer, hence the peanut butter (Eating directly out of the jar however, is entirely reflective of my character, and you are free to judge me accordingly).
The highlight of my day has been working out in the apartment complex workout room, and watching "Teen Mom" on MTV. What is ironic about this show is that they are all struggling to graduate from High School, and I just graduated from a Masters program, and am equally ill-equipped to raise a child. Hopefully next week I will have some pictures of the place in Bloomington to post, so that you don't have to read my pathetic ramblings.


zxevans said...

I am so sorry! I hope you some how are able to get out of this hell hold! Yikes! Hang in there. >>hugs<<

zxevans said...

LOL I meant to put this comment on the latest post! Oops! ;)

Momila said...

Oh my Miss Marni---I am alternately laughing and crying @ your recent posts. The apartment..the dog...the smells--you make it all so real.
I cannot believe you are old enough to be a social worker at any kind of camp..this is just beyond my comprehension. I think some of the best advice you can give these youngsters is to tell them NOT to do all the stuff you and Kellie DID do. Good Luck, babe. We miss you already!

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