Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Thursday Evening Post

I have forgotten how to write anything more substantial than a Facebook post, due to this long hiatus from the blog.
So instead of a paragraph, I will just 'post' a few things.

-My self esteem is so low, I worry what my therapist thinks of me.

-I refer to Maybe as 'nugget' or 'sausage' depending on the position she sleeps. The generic brand of Grape Nuts is called 'Nutty Nuggets'. Sounds about right.

- I have never given or received a hickey in romantic context, only joking, someone please explain this to Sergio's mother, who I am sure still views me as a harlot.

-Client quote of the day "You are my dick".


Momila said...

Considering your client base, that may possibly be a great compliment, or perhaps a pervy come on.
Hickeys are not all they're cracked up to be. You have to go buy a turtelneck, for one. And WHO is giving you "non romantic hickeys" anyhow? Hmmmm

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