Monday, May 30, 2011

F*%$ Up

Seth and I have seen two movies in the last month that I related to more than I care to admit. Two weeks ago we saw Bridesmaids, I would worry about spoiler-ing it for you, but it has been out for three weeks and if you haven't seen it yet then I cannot possibly be the first person you've encountered to flap their gums about it.
Annie is struggling with her finances, love life and friendships, her business went under, her boyfriend left her, and her best friend has a life that is moving in a direction further and further from her. While Annie's situation is comically tragic, and her friend with benefits is Don Draper, her life also mirrors mine in that she is forced to move in with her mother, is broke and drives a car that eerily resembles the 1990 maroon tracer that I drove through my last year of grad school. While I know that I am married, and Seth has no choice but to stay with me unless he wants to move into the guest/Zoe's room and sleep in my day bed from when I was ten, you try having a picture perfect marriage while living under your parent's roof. Of course the movie has an almost Hollywood ending in that she ends up with the cop she meets in the first act, and makes up with her best friend just in time for the nuptials, it was still refreshing to have a protagonist that was flawed, and flailing.
Yesterday we saw Everything Must Go.
Nick has lost his job, his wife and home, and has recently fallen off the wagon. He lives in his front yard and sells all of his belongings in a five day yard sale. I know that I have yet to hit this kind of bottom, I loved how the creators of this character loved him even though he was almost despicable in his wallowing self destruction.
While these movies would fall into differing categories in my Netflix queue, they are both stories of recovery from life's follies and F*%$ ups. And right now, I need the reassurance that all is not lost, that I will rebound, that houses and babies and jobs with full benefits are on the horizon. It is also comforting to know that we pay to see the stories of lives that are not on the linear path.
So, if anyone would like to use my likeness for some sort of Eeyore type character, let me know... I retain animation rights.


johnthebrown said...

Hang in there, Marni. Things always get better. Kids, houses, jobs with benefits and years of happiness are on the horizon.

My name is John Brown and I confirm and guarantee this message with my golden stamp of approval. :)

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