Week three, slightly better than week two as far as craving nothing but sugar and fat, the struggle really lies in the lack of variety of your options. But halfway through the week, I realized that it wasn't junk food that I was craving, it was oatmeal, artisan bread and fancy cheese, and true to my senior citizen form I crawled out of bed this morning and made plain oatmeal with bananas and it was the most delicious breakfast I have ever had. The last few days of the Detox were made rough by the terrible cold that hit me late Friday night, the thought of spending an hour to prepare my lunch was enough to make me want to cry, and I just could NOT chop one more butternut squash for soup, so we cheated a little and picked up soup from Whole Foods, vegan, but mine had tomatoes, and it was heavenly.I was so excited to emerge from this cleanse a normal human being, ready to eat and drink and be merry, but alas that will still be a few days until I get over this affliction that causes me to sound like Christian Bale's batman when he went through puberty.
Weighed in this morning, and am down 10 1/2 bs, now if only I can avoid the the blocks of cheese that have been coming to me in my dreams the last three weeks.
If you're sounding like Bale's Batman, I'm going to need you to call me later and talk dirty to me.
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