Week three, slightly better than week two as far as craving nothing but sugar and fat, the struggle really lies in the lack of variety of your options. But halfway through the week, I realized that it wasn't junk food that I was craving, it was oatmeal, artisan bread and fancy cheese, and true to my senior citizen form I crawled out of bed this morning and made plain oatmeal with bananas and it was the most delicious breakfast I have ever had. The last few days of the Detox were made rough by the terrible cold that hit me late Friday night, the thought of spending an hour to prepare my lunch was enough to make me want to cry, and I just could NOT chop one more butternut squash for soup, so we cheated a little and picked up soup from Whole Foods, vegan, but mine had tomatoes, and it was heavenly.I was so excited to emerge from this cleanse a normal human being, ready to eat and drink and be merry, but alas that will still be a few days until I get over this affliction that causes me to sound like Christian Bale's batman when he went through puberty.
Weighed in this morning, and am down 10 1/2 bs, now if only I can avoid the the blocks of cheese that have been coming to me in my dreams the last three weeks.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The entire country of Egypt is in turmoil, and all I can thing about is grilled cheese
Along with detoxing my body, this diet has also cleansed what little fun I was having before out of my life. You never realize how much socialization revolves around food and drink, until you are forced to stop drinking anything fun and delicious, and stop eating anything that wasn't ripped from it's roots and set on your plate. As one who has never restricted what I ate ( I actually like all of the healthy stuff, my problem is that I like all of the unhealthy stuff too) this comes as a shock to your system. I was talking to one of my friends trying to set up a time to hang out, when he asked me if we could meet up last Saturday for drinks. We can meet you I replied, but we can't eat or drink anything. I have never been a huge sports fan, and as one who cares not for the outcome of a football game, this event is made even more banal by not having chips and beer to stuff down your gullet. Week two is supposed to be the hardest, and while the time is going by faster, the urge to bail is much stronger. Oh, and did you know those bastards at Costco have chocolate covered strawberries in BULK, because they do, today I watched as people put donuts, mini quiche and fresh bread on the conveyer belt, as the cashier asked me, "Do you need anything else?", I scanned the baby greens, frozen berries and kiwis, thinking if only you knew. Seth is talking crazy about eating burritos the day after the cleanse, which he is is free to do, but will not get any sympathy from me re: the terrible stomach aches and diarrhea that will ensue.
As far as how I feel, good. I was grumpy and unusually hungry yesterday, and it was all I could do to choke down another bowl of soup for dinner, but I am amazed at how well I am able to handle feeling hungry without resorting to tantrums and throwing up. I credit this to the diets design to keep the glycemic levels in your body stable. I haven't noticed any real difference in my skin, but it certainly hasn't gotten worse, and I just keep telling myself, think of all the garbage that would have passed through you had you not done the cleanse? Which is proven by the 5 1/2 pounds I lost last week...
In other news, I keep getting turned down for jobs that I am over qualified for, resulting in more time spent in the basement. I should just start playing Dungeons and Dragons now, and save myself the slow and steady decline into leech status. I am really not as depressing as this post would depict, I am grateful that we are near family and friends, and that there is a basement in which we can crash for the next few months. Oh! and Seth passed his drug test that had originally come back, "negative dillute" and is starting his orientation back at the U on Monday. He will be gone all day Valentines day, but it is not as though we have anything planned, I guess I could try and be cute and make some sort of "red soup" concoction.
As far as how I feel, good. I was grumpy and unusually hungry yesterday, and it was all I could do to choke down another bowl of soup for dinner, but I am amazed at how well I am able to handle feeling hungry without resorting to tantrums and throwing up. I credit this to the diets design to keep the glycemic levels in your body stable. I haven't noticed any real difference in my skin, but it certainly hasn't gotten worse, and I just keep telling myself, think of all the garbage that would have passed through you had you not done the cleanse? Which is proven by the 5 1/2 pounds I lost last week...
In other news, I keep getting turned down for jobs that I am over qualified for, resulting in more time spent in the basement. I should just start playing Dungeons and Dragons now, and save myself the slow and steady decline into leech status. I am really not as depressing as this post would depict, I am grateful that we are near family and friends, and that there is a basement in which we can crash for the next few months. Oh! and Seth passed his drug test that had originally come back, "negative dillute" and is starting his orientation back at the U on Monday. He will be gone all day Valentines day, but it is not as though we have anything planned, I guess I could try and be cute and make some sort of "red soup" concoction.